Sunday, March 18, 2012

He or she is making me so happy

Viima and his another person
Blogs have confused my mind. Viima and I did a video about our chin faces. It would be so much easier to write in Finnish. But I'm not going to give up. This day has been quite nice even if I woke up about six o'clock in the evening. I don't like waking up after two o'clock. It feels like everything is flowing away.

Edmond herself and her another person with lovely pose
I have read lots of psychology and I have only one matriculation examination left. It is so soothing. Today I have read about motives and different kind of motives. Biological and cognitive point-of-views. There was story about philosopher named Kalle Haatanen and his thoughts about tolerance. The price of tolerance is tediousness. Fanatics have really good time while spreading words about their ideology. Feverish belief to their own goals are unquestionable. It was quite interesting.

Viima started his own blog and I'm very happy that he finally did that. I have been waiting for this moment for a while. You can find his blog here ! For now he is writing in Finnish.

I can wait for getting new camera. Canon eos 5d mark iii is really fantastic, I would love to see that irl and try to take pictures with it. But at least, now I would be very happy if I could get Canon eos 5d mark ii. Maybe one day. Maybe.

Perhaps I could write some book critiques here when my exams are over and when I have time to concentrate on some other things like reading books which I really want to. This year has been really exhausting but I'm going to survive. Everything is almost done. I feel sorry that everything in my mind are releated to school. It's depressing!

Those pictures were taken in summer 2010. Then I was in Budapest, Hungary with my mum. In June I'm going to Budapest with Viima! I can't wait!

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